Kelly Shanks Lippman, LMHC
Kelly Shanks Lippman, LMHC
Psychotherapy, Psychoanalysis & Child-Focused Mediation

Getting Started

Below you will find information about my fees and billing practices. Once we have an appointment scheduled, I will send you forms to complete electronically in preparation for our first meeting.

If you have questions, get in touch. I’d be happy to help.


Fees and Payment Information

Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis- $195.00
Family Psychotherapy – $195.00

Clinical Consultation – $150.00

My practice is a fee for service practice. Sometimes, insurance plans will reimburse you for some or all of the payment for psychotherapy services. Upon request, I will provide you with a receipt you can submit for this purpose. I reserve space in my practice for reduced fee psychotherapy and psychoanalysis. If you are unable to afford my full fee, please inquire about fee reduction.

Child Focused Mediation – $285.00 per hour, billed in tenth-of-an–hour increments.
Mediation is not billed to health insurance because it is a dispute resolution process not a health care service.

Please be prepared to pay in full for each session. For online secure credit card payment, please click here.


Forms will be provided via Hushmail once we have an appointment scheduled. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.


